Structured information to guide you through Unbxd PIM with minimal assistance
  1. Introduction
  2. Access Unbxd PIM
  3. Explore Unbxd PIM
  4. Features of Overview page
  5. Profile
  6. Organization - Set up your PIM Team
    1. Invite a New Member
    2. Update Member Information
    3. View a Member Information
    4. Delete a Member
    5. Create a New Role
    6. Set Property Permissions for a Role
    7. Set System Permissions for a Role
    8. Change Assigned Members of a Role
    9. Change Property Permissions for a Role
    10. Change System Permissions for a Role
    11. Change the Role Name
    12. View a Role Information
    13. Delete a Role
    14. Edit your Organization Profile Information
  7. Imports - Onboard & Schedule your Product Content
    1. Import File Best Practices
    2. Tips for doing an effective import
    3. Perform First-time Product Import
    4. Import data via SFTP
    5. View an Existing Import Information
    6. Schedule an Import
    7. Edit a Scheduled Import
    8. View a Scheduled Import Information
    9. Stop a Scheduled Import
    10. Delete a Scheduled Import
    11. Import Templates
    12. Deleting Import Template
    13. Trouble Shooting Import Errors
  8. Products - Build & Enrich Product Content
    1. Advanced Search and Filtering and saving filters by creating static product group
    2. Customize your Product Listing View
    3. Add a Solo Product
    4. Add a Solo Product via AI
      1. AI Content Score
    5. Add a Variant Product
    6. Edit a Solo Product
    7. Edit a Parent Product
    8. Edit Products from Product Listing Page
    9. Edit a Variant Product from its Parent Product
    10. Cloning a Product
    11. Product Listing Page [AG Grid Feature / Excel Mode]
    12. View Activity Log Details for a Product
    13. View Product Details
    14. View Task Information for a Product
    15. Delete a Product
    16. Product Groups
      1. Create a Static Product Group
      2. Edit a Static Product Group
      3. View a Static Product Group Information
      4. Delete a Static Product Group
      5. Create a Dynamic Product Group
      6. Edit a Dynamic Product Group
      7. View a Dynamic Product Group Information
      8. Delete a Dynamic Product Group
    17. Bulk Actions for Products & Product Groups
      1. Add Products to a Static Product Group
      2. Bulk Edit Products
      3. Bulk Edit Category
      4. Assign Task
      5. Certify Products
      6. Delete Multiple Products
      7. Certify Product Groups
      8. Run Readiness Report
      9. Delete Product Groups
      10. Edit Multiple Products from a Static Product Group
      11. Remove Products from a Static Product Group
      12. Delete Products from a Dynamic Product Group
      13. Delete Products from a Static Product Group
      14. Edit Multiple Products from a Dynamic Product Group
      15. Enrich Products or Product group data
  9. Certified Products & Certified Product Group
    1. Customize your Products Listing View
    2. Export Certified Products
    3. Export Products with Readiness Check & Assign Task
    4. View Activity Log Details for a Product
    5. Delete Products from Certified Product Group
    6. Export Certified Product Groups
    7. Export Certified Product Groups with Readiness Check & Assign Task
    8. Add Channel Readiness for a Certified Product Group
    9. Edit a Certified Product Group
    10. View Certified Products
    11. Delete a Product Group
  10. Scripts - Transform your Product Data
    1. Using the Transformation Script Editor
    2. Post Transformation
    3. List of Transformation Scripts
  11. Properties - Manage your Product Characteristics
    1. Property Data Types
    2. Create a New Property
    3. Change the Property Name and Assigned Property Group
    4. Change Role Permissions for a Property
    5. Make a Property Searchable
    6. View a Property Information
    7. Download all Properties
    8. Delete a Property
    9. Property Groups
      1. Create a New Property Group
      2. Change Property Group Name and Associated Properties
      3. View a Property Group Information
      4. Delete a Property Group
  12. Categories - Manage your Product Classifications
    1. Create a New Category & Subcategory
    2. Change Category Name & Associated Properties
    3. View Category & Subcategory Information
    4. Delete a Category or Subcategory
    5. Bulk Remove Categories
    6. Upload Category Property Association
    7. Download Category Property Association
    8. Download Category Property Template
  13. Tasks - First Step Towards Building Processes
    1. Create a New Task
    2. Edit an Existing Task
    3. View Task Details and Task Status Details
    4. Task Templates
      1. Create a New Task Template
      2. Edit a Task Template
      3. View Task Template Details
      4. Create a Task using a Task Template
      5. Delete a Task Template
    5. Task Assignee
  14. Readiness Reports-Ensure product information completeness
    1. Creating Readiness Report
    2. Downloading Readiness Report
    3. Viewing Readiness Reports
    4. Assigning Task using Readiness Report
  15. Catalogs - Share real-time Product Content
    1. Create & Share a New Catalog
    2. Edit a Catalog
    3. Delete a Catalog
  16. Workflows - Automate PIM Processes
    1. Create a New Workflow
    2. Run a Workflow Manually
    3. Pause & Resume a Workflow
    4. Edit a Workflow
    5. View Workflow Details
    6. View Activity Log Details for a Workflow
    7. Delete a Workflow
    8. Bulk Actions
  17. Digital Asset Management - Manage your Digital Files
    1. Add a New Asset
    2. Associate Assets with Products
    3. Perform Asset Transformations
    4. Deassociate Asset from Products
    5. Download Assets
    6. Delete an Asset
  18. Exports
    1. View Exports
    2. Download an Exported File
    3. Send an Email with the Exported File
    4. Schedule an Export
    5. Edit a Scheduled Export
    6. View Scheduled Export Details
    7. Stop a Scheduled Export
    8. Delete a Scheduled Export
    9. Export Parent Products
    10. Export Products via SFTP
    11. Standard Templates and Custom Templates
      1. Edit a Standard Template
      2. View Standard Template Details
      3. Create a Custom Template
      4. Bulk add properties while creating custom export template
      5. Edit a Custom Template
      6. View Custom Template Details
      7. Delete a Custom Details
  19. Deleting Export Template
  20. Volusion
  21. AI Enrichment Apps
    1. Mandatory Properties and Prompt Values for each AI App
    2. Creation of templates for AI enrichment apps
      1. Amazon Description Generator
      2. Amazon Title Generator
      3. Amazon Ads Headline Generator
      4. Product Name Generator
      5. Google Ads Generator
      6. Google Ad Description Generator
      7. Google Title Generator
      8. Youtube Hooks Generator
      9. Youtube Outline Generator
      10. Youtube Description Generator
      11. Youtube Intros Generator
      12. Youtube Titles Generator
      13. Trending Instagram Hashtag Generator
  22. Bulk Transform and Enrichment
  23. Custom Template Uploader
  24. Custom Template Downloader
  25. Headerless File Format
  26. Bulk Asset Upload and Download
  27. Image Keyword Extraction
  28. Dropbox
  29. Zapier(Gmail)
  30. Zapier(Google Sheet)
  31. Find Duplicates and Related Products
  32. Vend
  33. Volusion
  34. Google URL data Fetcher
  35. UPC Generator
  36. Image Convertor to Webp
  37. Translate Catalog
  38. Extract Common Variant Properties
  39. Image Keyword Extraction
  40. AI Image to Product Builder
  41. DAM Remove BG
  42. Guide for Obtaining AWS S3 Bucket Credentials & Configuring Public Access Permissions
  43. SFTP Watcher App
  44. Generate Partial Search
  45. Channel Integration
    1. Channel Integrations -
      1. Installing BigCommerce store via Unbxd PIM
      2. Importing data into Unbxd PIM from BigCommerce
      3. Mandatory Properties to export products to BigCommerce
      4. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to BigCommerce
      5. Automating import and export using Templates and Workflows
    2. Channel Intergation-
      1. Installing Shopify via Unbxd PIM
      2. Shopify Store Fetcher
      3. Mandatory Property Mappings for Shopify
      4. Properties in Shopify and Shopify Graph QL and their importance
      5. Importing the data into Unbxd PIM from Shopify
      6. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to Shopify
      7. Automating import and export using Scheduled Imports/Exports and Workflows
    3. Shopify Graph QL
    4. Channel Integrations -
      1. Installing Unbxd PIM via Brightpearl
      2. Importing the data into Unbxd PIM from Brightpearl
      3. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to Brightpearl
      4. Automating import and export using Templates and Workflows
    5. Channel Integration -
      1. Installing Magento using Username and Password
      2. Magento Token Based Installtion
      3. Mandatory Properties for Magento
      4. Mageworx
    6. Channel Intergation-
      1. Installing Etsy via Unbxd PIM
      2. Importing the data into Unbxd PIM from Etsy
      3. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to Etsy
      4. Automating import and export using Scheduled Imports/Exports and Workflows
    7. Channel Integration -
      1. Installing Walmart via Unbxd PIM
    8. Channel Integration-
      1. Installing Unbxd PIM via Amazon Seller central
      2. Installing Amazon Seller Central via Unbxd PIM
      3. Importing data into Unbxd PIM from Amazon
      4. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to Amazon
      5. Automating import and export using Templates and Workflows
      6. Download category template from amazon seller central
    9. Ebay Installation-
    10. Steps to get template file for Ebay-
    11. Channel Integration-
      1. Google Shopping App Installation
      2. Mandatory Properties for Google Shopping
    12. Woocommerce Installation-

Features of Overview Page

The Overview page in Unbxd PIM offers a condensed view of the system’s capabilities, providing users with an organized summary of the product information management features.

Here are the main components of the Overview page:

Total Number of Products

From the Overview page, users can immediately find the total number of products contained in the PIM system. These are divided into Parent and Variant products, and each category allows users to click and dwell deeper into specific product types.

Associated Properties

The Overview page also showcases the properties linked with the products. It lists each property’s data type and the count of products that possess it. Users can click on properties to unravel more details or perform actions related to them.

Associated Categories

This feature provides users with a quick summary of the categories assigned to each product. It allows them to navigate directly to the category management page or view the details of the associated categories by clicking on the category count.

Associated Assets

By clicking on the asset count, users can navigate to the specific product’s asset management page or view the details of the associated assets. This functionality enables easy and convenient access to digital files associated with each product, such as images or documents, facilitating efficient asset management and retrieval within the PIM system.

Efficient Import and Export Management for Seamless Data Integration

The PIM overview page includes clickable options for “Start Import” and “Start Export” functionalities. These options provide convenient access to initiate import and export processes within the PIM system.

By clicking on “Start Import,” users are redirected to the import page, where they can begin importing product data into the PIM system. This feature simplifies the process of bringing in new or updated product information from external sources, enabling efficient data synchronization and management.

Similarly, clicking on “Start Export” redirects users to the export page, where they can initiate the export of product data in various formats such as CSV, XLS, JSON, or XML. This functionality enables users to easily generate exports of product information for sharing with external systems, partners, or for backup purposes.

Explore App Store in One Click

On our PIM overview page, where you can unlock a world of possibilities with just a single click. By clicking on this feature, you will be seamlessly redirected to our integrated app store, where you can explore a wide range of apps, AI enrichment tools, and marketplaces that can enhance and streamline your product information management experience.

Interactive Property Distribution

Easily navigate and explore the diverse range of data types present in your PIM system with the Property Distribution feature. Getting a comprehensive overview of the distribution of data types and quickly identifying texts, numbers, dates, images, and more helps you with the distribution of data properties across your product catalog and the numbers associated with each data type. The Property Distribution feature also offers a convenient interactive experience. Click on each data type and dwell deeper into the specific properties associated with it. Access a detailed view, and explore the properties to analyze their attributes and configurations further.

Core Property Coverage

Core Property Coverage provides insights into the completeness of essential product attributes within the system. It reflects how thoroughly crucial product properties are captured in the PIM system.

Additional Resources

Besides these operational insights, the Overview page connects users to various support resources. These include: 

            1. FAQs: FAQs serve as a self-help resource for users to quickly find answers to their queries without the need for extensive support.
            2. Short Tutorials: Short tutorials are concise instructional materials that provide quick demonstrations or explanations of specific features or tasks within the PIM platform.
            3. Help Documentation: Help Documentation helps users effectively navigate and utilize the PIM platform by providing them with the necessary information and guidance.
            4. Getting Started guides: Getting Started guides are introductory resources that help new users familiarize themselves with the basic concepts, navigation, and core functionalities of the PIM platform.
            5. API Documentation: API Documentation is a specialized document that provides technical information and guidance for developers who want to integrate their systems or build custom applications using the PIM platform’s API (Application Programming Interface). It includes details about available endpoints, request and response formats, authentication methods, and other relevant technical specifications

Users can click these links to access a wealth of information to help them navigate and make the most of Unbxd PIM.

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