Amazon Title Generator
The Amazon Titles allow sellers to highlight the unique selling points (USPs) and key benefits of the product.The title provides crucial information about the product, such as the brand, model, and key features. This enables users to quickly identify whether the product matches their specific needs and solidify their purchase decision.An informative and well-structured title lets users compare different products based on their titles alone.
Install AI Enrichment Suite App
- Click on App Store
- Search and Click on AI Enrichment Suite App
- Click on Install AI Enrichment Suite App
Once Installation is complete
Create Template for Amazon Title Generator
- Click on exports
- Click on an export template
- Click on Create New Template, which is displayed On AI Enrichment Suite App.
- Give a name for the template[required]
- Template Description[optional]
- Click on Create New Template.
Once The template is created.
Mandatory properties to generate Amazon Title Gen
- Product_name
- Product_description
- Target_keywords
- AI_GEN_Amazon Title Gen [This property is used to set prompt values and should always be prefixed with AI_GEN]
Enter this as a comma separate values in the Bulk create Properties box.
For Example:
product_name, product_descriprion, target_keywords, AI_GEN_Amazon Title Gen
Click on Add Transformation for the AI_GEN_Amazon title Gen property.
And map the other properties with system properties.
Setting Prompt value to generate desired output:
- Select Set Operation, which is under the Text rule.
- In the Value text box, Enter a prompt value that will generate the desired output.
- Then Click on Preview Output which enables the Save Transformation button
- Lastly, click on Save Transformation.
Remember to click on the update button, which appears at the top right corner of the screen.
Now to export products to generate an Amazon Title Generator
- Go to the Products listing page.
- Apply filters
- The product which has targeted_keywords, Product_name, and product_description should be displayed.
- Click on certify product(s)
If you want to create a new certified product group from the dropdown, click on create new certified product group.
- Give a name for the group
- Click on Certify product(s)
After the products are certified :
- Change the tab to Certified Product
- Select the products
- Click on action
- Click on the export product(s)
- Give a name for the export.
- Select Channel export
- Select the Channel as AI Enrichment Suite
- Select the specific template.[Here Amazon title Generator]
- Click on export without readiness check.
Generated output: