You can schedule an export to automatically send certified products to your partners.
Edit a scheduled export:
Click on the Export tab.
Select the Scheduled Exports tab.
The Scheduled Exports Listing page will be displayed.
Click on the icon for the scheduled export you want to edit.
If you want to select product groups, click Select Certified Product Group. Choose the desired group and click Add Certified Product Group.
To select individual products, click Select Individual Products. Use the search box to find specific products,and click Add Products to include them.
6.If you want to change the configuration, switch to Schedule tab.
7.If you want to change the selected template, select the desired template from the Export Template list.
8.If you want to change the selected file formats, select or clear the checkboxes for the desired file formats (.CSV, XLS, JSON, XML).
9.To send the exported file via email, select the Email checkbox and enter the recipient’s email address(es). You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.
10.To send the exported file to an SFTP location, select the desired SFTP location or click on Add New SFTP to configure a new location.
11.If you want to modify the custom name for the export, select or remove the checkmark from the Custom name in the export file checkbox and make the changes.
To change the export frequency, enter the desired repeat frequency and select the time unit (Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months).
Configure the export end condition by selecting Never, On a Specific Date, or After Specific Occurrence.
If needed, click the Name and Description option to modify the export name and add a description.