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Extraction of Common Variant Attributes
The Common Variant Data Extraction application is designed to extract common properties from a collection of product variants and associate them with a parent product. This application is handy for businesses dealing with diverse product catalogs, where parent products share common attributes with their respective variants.
Installation steps:
- Click on the App Store
- Search and click on Extract common variant data
- Enter a E-commerce channel name[mandatory], Description[Optional]
- Click on Install.
Properties to be mapped[Map the properties]
- Product ID[Mandatory]
- Parent ID[Mandatory]
- Property that you want to extract from variant[Ex: Ingredients, size, product details].
Template mapping:
How it works:
- Click on Products
- Toggle Group by Parent button
- Select Parent Product(s)
- Click on Enrich Product(s)
- Provide a name for the enrichment
- Select the enrichment type
- Select the enrichment template
- Click on Enrich Product(s).
- Click on Import->Import List->Click on the most recent import(Which is done using Extraction of common Parent Variant app) and map the properties accordingly.
The Exported file:
Import the same file by click on Import->Import list->Map the properties->Click on Import
Use of this app if variants have similar property values then it will be extracted by the Parent Product.
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