Google URL data Fetcher
Google URL data fetcher
This application exclusively functions with the Google XML feed.
This app smoothly brings in lots of information from an XML sheet and puts it into a PIM system.
Installation Steps:
- Click on the App Store
- Search and click on Google URL data fetcher
- Click on Install Google URL data fetcher
How the Google URL data fetcher app works:
- Click on Import
- Click on New Import
In Search by Channel Name, Search and click on Google URL data fetcher.
Provide a name for the import.
Select the box under Select The Preferred Google URL Fetcher AppStore To Import Files.
Checkmark the Add Additional Import Parameters
Enter the URL of Google XML Feed under Enter Google XML Feed URL(Required)
Click on Save & Proceed
- Map Essential Properties
- Click on Save and Proceed
- Map other remaining properties
- Click on Save and Import.
Note: For First-time Import, if you want the mappings to be saved, checkmark Save these property mappings & configurations as an import template for future use (recommended). So that you can use this for scheduled imports to automate the imports at a specific time.
Save the mappings, as this template can be used for Scheduled imports.
This process will import your XML data into PIM.
To automate the recurring import process:
- Click on Imports
- Click on Scheduled Imports
- Provide a name
- From Source Select Channel
- Select Channel [The name that you provided during the installation of the Google URL data fetcher]
- Click on Proceed
- Select Channel from the dropdown list
- Select Channel Template
- Under Schedule Configuration
- Select the repetitive time and even the ending time.
- Click on Start Schedule.