Structured information to guide you through Unbxd PIM with minimal assistance
  1. Introduction
  2. Access Unbxd PIM
  3. Explore Unbxd PIM
  4. Features of Overview page
  5. Profile
  6. Organization - Set up your PIM Team
    1. Invite a New Member
    2. Update Member Information
    3. View a Member Information
    4. Delete a Member
    5. Create a New Role
    6. Set Attribute Permissions for a Role
    7. Set System Permissions for a Role
    8. Change Assigned Members of a Role
    9. Change Attribute Permissions for a Role
    10. Change System Permissions for a Role
    11. Change the Role Name
    12. View a Role Information
    13. Delete a Role
    14. Edit your Organization Profile Information
  7. Imports - Onboard & Schedule your Product Content
    1. Import File Best Practices
    2. Tips for doing an effective import
    3. Perform First-time Product Import
    4. Variant options during Import
    5. Import data via SFTP
    6. View an Existing Import Information
    7. Schedule an Import
    8. Edit a Scheduled Import
    9. View a Scheduled Import Information
    10. Stop a Scheduled Import
    11. Delete a Scheduled Import
    12. Import Templates
    13. Deleting Import Template
    14. Trouble Shooting Import Errors
  8. Products - Build & Enrich Product Content
    1. Advanced Search and Filtering and saving filters by creating static product group
    2. Customize your Product Listing View
    3. Add a Solo Product
    4. Add a Solo Product via AI
      1. AI Content Score
    5. Add a Variant Product
    6. Edit a Solo Product
    7. Edit a Parent Product
    8. Edit Products from Product Listing Page
    9. Edit a Variant Product from its Parent Product
    10. Product Listing Page [Excel Mode]
    11. View Activity Log Details for a Product
    12. View Product Details
    13. Cloning a Product
    14. Assign Category to Product from Product Display Page
    15. Assigning Category to a Parent Product
    16. Create and View task from PDP Page
    17. View Task Information from Product Display Page
    18. One Click Export
    19. Delete a Product from Product Listing Page
    20. Delete Product from Product Display Page
    21. Product Groups
      1. Create a Static Product Group
      2. Edit a Static Product Group
      3. View a Static Product Group Information
      4. Delete a Static Product Group
      5. Create a Dynamic Product Group
      6. Edit a Dynamic Product Group
      7. View a Dynamic Product Group Information
      8. Delete a Dynamic Product Group
    22. Bulk Actions for Products & Product Groups
      1. Add Products to a Static Product Group
      2. Bulk Edit Products
      3. Bulk Edit Category
      4. Assign Task
      5. Certify Products
      6. Delete Multiple Products
      7. Certify Product Groups
      8. Run Readiness Report
      9. Delete Product Groups
      10. Edit Multiple Products from a Static Product Group
      11. Remove Products from a Static Product Group
      12. Delete Products from a Dynamic Product Group
      13. Delete Products from a Static Product Group
      14. Edit Multiple Products from a Dynamic Product Group
      15. Enrich Products or Product group data
      16. Searching Product Group
  9. Certified Products & Certified Product Group
    1. Customize your Products Listing View
    2. Export Certified Products
    3. Export Products with Readiness Check & Assign Task
    4. View Activity Log Details for a Product
    5. Delete Products from Certified Product Group
    6. Export Certified Product Groups
    7. Export Certified Product Groups with Readiness Check & Assign Task
    8. Add Channel Readiness for a Certified Product Group
    9. Edit a Certified Product Group
    10. View Certified Products
    11. Delete a Product Group
  10. Scripts - Transform your Product Data
    1. Using the Transformation Script Editor
    2. Post Transformation
    3. List of Transformation Scripts
  11. Attributes - Manage your Product Characteristics
    1. Attribute Data Types
    2. Create a New Attribute
    3. Change the Attribute Name and Assigned Attribute Group
    4. Change Role Permissions for a Attribute
    5. Make a Attribute Searchable
    6. View a Attribute Information
    7. Bulk Upload Attributes using an sheet
    8. Download all Attributes
    9. Arranging attribute and attribute groups in your preferred order
    10. Delete a Attribute
    11. Attribute Groups
      1. Create a New Attribute Group
      2. Change Attribute Group Name and Associated Attributes
      3. View a Attribute Group Information
      4. Delete a Attribute Group
  12. Categories - Manage your Product Classifications
    1. Bulk create category & subcategory
    2. Change Category Name & Associated Attributes
    3. View Category & Subcategory Information
    4. Delete a Category or Subcategory
    5. Bulk Remove Categories
    6. Upload Category Attributes Association
    7. Download Category Attribute Association
    8. Download Category Attribute Template
    9. Download All Categories
    10. Filter out Categories
  13. Tasks - First Step Towards Building Processes
    1. Create a New Task
    2. Edit an Existing Task
    3. View Task Details and Task Status Details
    4. Task Templates
      1. Create a New Task Template
      2. Edit a Task Template
      3. View Task Template Details
      4. Create a Task using a Task Template
      5. Delete a Task Template
    5. Task Assignee
  14. Readiness Reports-Ensure product information completeness
    1. Creating Readiness Report
    2. Downloading Readiness Report
    3. Viewing Readiness Reports
    4. Assigning Task using Readiness Report
  15. Catalogs - Share real-time Product Content
    1. Create & Share a New Catalog
    2. Edit a Catalog
    3. Delete a Catalog
  16. Workflows - Automate PIM Processes
    1. Create a New Workflow
    2. Run a Workflow Manually
    3. Pause & Resume a Workflow
    4. Edit a Workflow
    5. View Workflow Details
    6. View Activity Log Details for a Workflow
    7. Delete a Workflow
    8. Bulk Actions
  17. Digital Asset Management - Manage your Digital Files
    1. Add a New Asset
    2. Associate Assets with Products
    3. Tags in DAM
    4. Using Search and Advanced Filter Search Options in DAM
    5. Perform Asset Transformations
    6. Download Assets
    7. Delete an Asset
    8. Bulk Actions for Assets in DAM
  18. Exports
    1. View Exports
    2. Download an Exported File
    3. Send an Email with the Exported File
    4. Schedule an Export
    5. Edit a Scheduled Export
    6. View Scheduled Export Details
    7. Email Exports
    8. Stop a Scheduled Export
    9. Delete a Scheduled Export
    10. Export Parent Products
    11. Export Products via SFTP
    12. Standard Templates and Custom Templates
      1. Edit a Standard Template
      2. View Standard Template Details
      3. Create a Custom Template
      4. Bulk add attributes while creating custom export template
      5. Edit a Custom Template
      6. View Custom Template Details
      7. Delete a Custom Details
  19. Deleting Export Template
  20. Volusion
  21. AI Enrichment Apps
    1. Mandatory Attributes and Prompt Values for each AI App
    2. Creation of templates for AI enrichment apps
      1. Amazon Description Generator
      2. Amazon Title Generator
      3. Amazon Ads Headline Generator
      4. Product Name Generator
      5. Google Ads Generator
      6. Google Ad Description Generator
      7. Google Title Generator
      8. Youtube Hooks Generator
      9. Youtube Outline Generator
      10. Youtube Description Generator
      11. Youtube Intros Generator
      12. Youtube Titles Generator
      13. Trending Instagram Hashtag Generator
  22. Bulk Transform and Enrichment
  23. Custom Template Uploader
  24. Custom Template Downloader
  25. Headerless File Format
  26. Bulk Asset Upload and Download
  27. Image Keyword Extraction
  28. Dropbox
  29. Zapier(Gmail)
  30. Zapier(Google Sheet)
  31. Find Duplicates and Related Products
  32. Vend
  33. Volusion
  34. Google URL data Fetcher
  35. UPC Generator
  36. Image Convertor to Webp
  37. Translate Catalog
  38. Extract Common Variant Attributes
  39. Image Keyword Extraction
  40. AI Image to Product Builder
  41. DAM Remove BG
  42. Guide for Obtaining AWS S3 Bucket Credentials & Configuring Public Access Permissions
  43. SFTP Watcher App
  44. Generate Partial Search
  45. PIM Import Hook [API Imports]
  46. Channel Integration
    1. Viewing Credentials for an Installed App
    2. Channel Integrations -
      1. Installing BigCommerce store via Unbxd PIM
      2. BigCommerce Setup via BigCommerce App
      3. Importing data into Unbxd PIM from BigCommerce
      4. Mandatory Attributes to export products to BigCommerce
      5. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to BigCommerce
      6. Automating import and export using Templates and Workflows
    3. Channel Intergation-
      1. Installing Shopify via Unbxd PIM
      2. Shopify Store Fetcher
      3. Mandatory Attribute Mappings for Shopify
      4. Attributes in Shopify and Shopify Graph QL and their importance
      5. Importing the data into Unbxd PIM from Shopify
      6. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to Shopify
      7. Automating import and export using Scheduled Imports/Exports and Workflows
      8. Increasing the Threshold in Shopify Exports
      9. Shopify Graph QL
    4. Channel Integrations -
      1. Installing Unbxd PIM via Brightpearl
      2. Importing the data into Unbxd PIM from Brightpearl
      3. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to Brightpearl
      4. Automating import and export using Templates and Workflows
    5. Channel Integration -
      1. Installing Magento using Username and Password
      2. Magento Token Based Installtion
      3. Related Products - Magento
      4. Mandatory Attributes for Magento
      5. Mageworx
    6. Channel Intergation-
      1. Installing Etsy via Unbxd PIM
      2. Importing the data into Unbxd PIM from Etsy
      3. Mandatory Attributes required to list products on Etsy
      4. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to Etsy
      5. Automating import and export using Scheduled Imports/Exports and Workflows
    7. Channel Integration -
      1. Installing Walmart via Unbxd PIM
    8. Channel Integration-
      1. Installing Unbxd PIM via Amazon Seller central
      2. Installing Amazon Seller Central via Unbxd PIM
      3. Importing data into Unbxd PIM from Amazon
      4. Exporting data from Unbxd PIM to Amazon
      5. Automating import and export using Templates and Workflows
      6. Download category template from amazon seller central
    9. Ebay Installation-
      1. Steps to get template file for Ebay-
    10. Woocommerce Installation-
      1. Google Shopping -
        1. Google Shopping App Installation
        2. Mandatory Attributes for Google Shopping
    11. ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
      1. How to get Netsuite Account Details
  47. Download Products directly from Product Listing Page
  48. Bulk Channel Download App
  49. Platform Attributes Generator

Attributes in Shopify and Shopify Graph QL and their importance

Note: Shopify now supports video through GraphQL, but you cannot send images and videos from the same template. The video file size should not exceed 20MB.

  • videoSRC:This field represents the source URL of the video.
  • videoAlt:This field represents the alternative text for the video.Example: For a product demonstration video, videoAlt might be “Video demonstrating the features of the new smartphone model.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Position:The order of the product variant in the list of product variants.Let’s say you have a product with multiple color options as variants. The product variants are listed in a specific order, and the first position in the list is 1.                                                                                                                                                    Here’s an example:Product: T-Shirt.Product Variants
  • Red 
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Black

In this case, “Red” is in the first position, so it has the position of 1 in the list of product variants. Similarly, “Blue” is in the second position (position 2), “Green” is in the third position (position 3), and “Black” is in the fourth position (position 4). This numbering helps you and your customers easily select and identify the different variants of the product.


  • Harmonized System Code[HS Code]:HS code is like a special number that helps describe and categorize a product. It’s made up of six digits and it’s used to group products into categories and types. This can be really helpful for things like calculating taxes and duties when shipping products to different countries. So, the HS code in Shopify is a way to organize and label products for international trade.HS Code: 6104.43This code represents a specific category of clothing items: “Women’s or girls’ trousers, shorts of synthetic fibers, not knitted or crocheted.” The first two digits (61) indicate the broad category of textiles and textile products, and the following two digits (04) narrow it down to items like trousers and shorts. The last two digits (43) specify that these are specifically women’s or girls’ trousers made of synthetic fibers and not knitted or crocheted.


  • image_altText:The image_altText is a descriptive text added to an image on a webpage. It’s important because it provides context about the image for people who cannot see it, such as those who use screen readers. For example: let’s say you have an online store that sells T-shirts. You have a product page with a picture of a red T-shirt. The image_altText for this image could be “Red T-shirt with short sleeves and crew neckline.” This description provides essential information about the product and helps people understand what the image is showing, even if they can’t see it. 


  • compare-at-price:The “compare-at price” of a product variant in an e-commerce context is the original or suggested price  at which the product was or is being sold before any discounts or special offers are applied. It serves as a reference point for customers, showing them the potential savings when they purchase the product at its current, discounted price. Here’s an example to illustrate the concept:     Product: Laptop Bag                                                                                                                                                                                                           Product Variant: Black Laptop Bag
    • Regular Price: $80
    • Compare-at Price: $100

In this example, the “compare-at price” for the Black Laptop Bag is $100. This is the price at which the bag was originally listed or what the manufacturer suggests as its value. However, the current price at which customers can buy it is $80, which is a discount from the compare-at-price. This comparison helps customers see that they are saving $20 when they purchase the bag at the current price, making it a good deal.

The “compare-at price” can be a useful tool for both online retailers and customers, as it highlights the value and attractiveness of the discount, encouraging more sales.


  • Tags:Tags are like labels or keywords that you can attach to a product to help organize and search for it. They are typically used for filtering and searching products on an e-commerce platform. Each product can have multiple tags, and each tag can be up to 255 characters long. Tags are often separated by commas to make it easier to work with them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Here’s an example to help illustrate this concept: Product: Digital CameraTags: “camera, photography, 4K video, compact, zoom, professional, Wi-Fi, vlogging”In this example, the “Digital Camera” product has several tags attached to it. These tags are separated by commas and include keywords that describe the product’s features, use cases, and characteristics. Customers visiting the online store can use these tags to filter or search for products. For instance, if a customer searches for “4K video,” this camera would appear as a relevant result because it has that tag associated with it. Tags make it easier for customers to find products that match their interests and needs.


  • Location-based inventory:Location-based inventory refers to tracking and managing inventory at specific locations or warehouses. Each location has its separate inventory levels in a location-based inventory system, and stock is allocated to specific locations based on demand and availability.Using location-based inventory can help businesses track and manage their inventory more accurately, particularly if they have multiple warehouses or locations. It also allows businesses to more easily fulfill orders from the closest warehouse or location, which helps reduce shipping costs and improve delivery times.Location-based inventory systems can benefit businesses with a large product range, as they can track and manage each product at each location. It can also be helpful for businesses with a high volume of orders. It allows them to track and manage inventory levels at each location more easily to ensure sufficient stock is always available to fulfill orders.The naming convention followed:


    Eg:1570_inventory_quantity (in PIM) 

    Here, 1570 is the location_id


  • Sales_channels: In Shopify, a sales channel allows merchants to sell their products or services through various platforms or marketplaces. Some examples of sales channels include
    • Online stores (Shopify’s platform)
    • Facebook Shop
    • Instagram Shopping
    • Amazon
    • Pinterest
    • Google Shopping
    • Buy Button,
    • Point of Sale (POS).

    Each sales channel has features and integrations, and merchants can choose which channels they want to use based on their business needs.


  • redirectNewHandle:In the context of e-commerce or website management, when you’re dealing with product handles, a “redirect” is a way to automatically forward or direct users from the old product URL to the new one. This is done to ensure that anyone trying to access the old URL is taken to the correct, updated product page. Whether a redirect is required typically depends on the situation.Let me provide an example to clarify:Scenario:Let’s say you have an e-commerce website, and you’ve been selling a product called “Classic Red Shoes.” The handle (or URL) for this product has been:/products/classic-red-shoesNow, you decide to rename the product to “Elegant Ruby Red Shoes” and change the product handle to:/products/elegant-ruby-red-shoesIn this case, you may want to set up a redirect from the old URL (/products/classic-red-shoes) to the new one (/products/elegant-ruby-red-shoes) for the following reasons:
    • User Experience: If someone had bookmarked or shared the old product URL, they would expect to find the product when they access that URL. A redirect ensures they end up at the right place without confusion.
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engines like Google may have indexed the old product URL. A redirect helps preserve the SEO ranking and history of the old URL, passing some of that authority to the new URL.
    • So, if you set the attribute “redirect” to “true,” it means that when you change the product handle, the old URL will automatically redirect users and search engines to the new URL. This ensures a smooth transition without losing traffic or search visibility.


  • If requiresSellingPlan is set to true for this product variant, it means that customers who want to buy the “Colombian Dark Roast” coffee beans must subscribe to a selling plan. They can’t make a one-time purchase. They would be committing to regularly receive this coffee every month or at the specified interval.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  •   If requiresSellingPlan is set to false for the same product variant, it means that customers have the option to either subscribe to a selling plan for regular deliveries or make a one-time purchase of the coffee beans without any subscription.requiresSellingPlan field in Shopify GraphQL is used to indicate whether a product variant can be purchased by a customer with or without a selling plan. A selling plan is a way for customers to subscribe to regular, recurring purchases of a product, such as getting a new supply of coffee beans every month. Here’s a simple example to illustrate this concept:Product: Coffee Beans  Product Variant: Colombian Dark Roast


  • The SEO title, also known as the meta title tag, is a critical element of on-page search engine optimization. It provides a brief and descriptive title for a webpage that helps search engines understand what the page is about and influences how the page appears in search engine results. Here’s an explanation with an example:
    • Explanation: The SEO title is a piece of HTML code placed within the <head> section of a webpage. It’s not visible on the webpage itself, but it’s vital for search engines like Google to determine the content and relevance of the page. The SEO title serves as a concise summary of the page’s content, and it should include relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility
    • Example: Suppose you run an online store selling digital cameras, and you have a product page for a “Nikon D750 DSLR Camera.” Here’s how you might create an SEO title for that product page:
    • html
    • <head>
      <title>Nikon D750 DSLR Camera - Best Digital Cameras 2023 - Your Camera Store</title>
    • In this example:
    • “Nikon D750 DSLR Camera” is the main product name, which is essential for clarity.
    • “Best Digital Cameras 2023” adds context by specifying the category and year.
    • “Your Camera Store” indicates the website or business name, which can help build brand recognition


  • seo_description: The SEO description of a product is a concise and informative piece of content that is designed to enhance a product page’s search engine visibility and provide potential customers with relevant information about the product. This description is not visible on the product page but is embedded in the page’s HTML code to provide search engines with context about the product.Here’s an explanation with an example:
    • Explanation: The SEO description is a part of on-page SEO strategy used by online stores and websites to improve their rankings in search engine results. It is usually placed within the website’s HTML <head> section and is not directly displayed to users visiting the page. Instead, it is intended to provide search engines like Google with a summary of the product’s key features and benefits.
    • Example: Let’s say you have an e-commerce website that sells mobile phones, and you want to create an SEO description for a specific product, the “SmartTech Galaxy”


  • SEO Description: html

<meta name="description" content="The SmartTech Galaxy S22 - A cutting-edge smartphone with a stunning AMOLED display, high-performance camera, and long-lasting battery. Get the latest in mobile technology today.">
In this example:”The SmartTech Galaxy S22″ is the product name.”A cutting-edge smartphone with a stunning AMOLED display, high-performance camera, and long-lasting battery” provides a brief but enticing description of the product’s key features.”Get the latest in mobile technology today” encourages users to click and learn more about the product.

When someone searches for “SmartTech Galaxy S22” or related terms in a search engine, this SEO description helps provide a summary of the product’s highlights. It can increase the likelihood of the product’s page appearing in search results, as it aligns with what potential customers are searching for and encourages them to visit the product page. A well-optimized SEO description is an essential part of SEO and can drive more organic traffic to a product page, ultimately boosting sales and conversions


  • remove_price_when_updating:

    The “remove_price_when_updating” field in Shopify’s GraphQL is a feature that allows you to control whether a product variant’s price should be removed or preserved when making updates to that variant. Let’s break it down with an example to illustrate its purpose:

    Example: Suppose you manage an online store that sells t-shirts in various sizes and colors. You have a product variant for a “Basic White T-Shirt” with the following details:

    • Product Title: Basic White T-Shirt
    • Size: Medium
    • Color: White
    • Price: $15.00
    • Weight: 0.2 lbs
    • Inventory: 50 units

    Now, let’s say you need to make an update to this product variant because you want to change the weight and the inventory count, but you want to keep the price the same.

    Scenario 1 – remove_price_when_updating set to false:

    If you set remove_price_when_updating to false when updating this variant, your update might look something like this in GraphQL:

    mutation {
    productVariantUpdate(input: {
    id: "abc123"
    price: $15.00
    weight: 0.3 lbs
    inventory: 75
    }) {
    productVariant {

    With remove_price_when_updating set to false, you explicitly specify the price as $15.00 in your update, alongside the changes you want to make. In this case, the price remains unchanged after the update.

    Scenario 2 – remove_price_when_updating set to true:

    If you set remove_price_when_updating to true when updating the variant, your update might look like this:

    mutation {
    productVariantUpdate(input: {
    id: "abc123"
    weight: 0.3 lbs
    inventory: 75}) {productVariant {idpriceweightinventory




    With remove_price_when_updating set to true, you don’t include the price field in your update. This tells Shopify to keep the price unchanged during the update.

    This option can be helpful in scenarios where you want to make updates to a product variant but don’t want to accidentally change the price. By setting remove_price_when_updating to true, you ensure that the price remains the same, making it a useful feature for product management and inventory control in an online store. 


  • weightunit: The unit of weight used to measure a product variant refers to the specific measurement system and unit of measurement that is applied to express the weight of that particular variant. It helps customers understand the weight of the product, which can be crucial for various reasons, including shipping and product specifications.                                                                              Example: Imagine you have an online store that sells fitness equipment, including dumbbells. You offer a set of adjustable dumbbells, and the product variant in question is a single dumbbell.Unit of Weight: Pounds (lbs)Variant Weight: 20 lbs


  • productType: The product type specified by a merchant refers to the category or classification that the merchant assigns to a product in their online store. It helps organize and group products, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for and for the merchant to manage their inventory. Here’s an example to illustrate this concept                                                                                  Example: Imagine you run an online clothing store. You have a product, a stylish leather jacket. You can specify a product type for this item.
    • Product Name: Classic Leather Jacket
    • Product Type: Outerwear.                                                                                                                                                                                                              In this example:
      • “Classic Leather Jacket” is the name of the product.
      • “Outerwear” is the product type specified by the merchant.


  • CountryCodeOfOrigin:The Country Code of Origin is a two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) assigned to each country. It uniquely identifies the country where a product originated, helping in international trade and regulatory processes. Examples include “US” for the United States and “JP” for Japan.                                                                                                                                                                                          The code designating a country/region, which generally follows ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 guidelines. If a territory doesn’t have a country code value in the CountryCode enum, then it might be considered a subdivision of another country. For example, the territories associated with Spain are represented by the  country code ES, and the territories associated with the United States of America are represented by the country code US.


  • provinceCodeOfOrigin:Identifies the specific province or state within a country where a product originated.                                            Example: In ISO 3166-2, the province code for California is “CA,” and for Ontario in Canada, it is “ON.”  Typically used for more detailed regional tracking within a country.


  • harmonizedSystemCode  The harmonized system code of the inventory item. This must be a number between 6 and 13 digits. In Case you have standardized harmonized code across the globe then the property name in PIM is harmonizedSystemCode.                                    Usage:Provides a broader level of origin information and is crucial in international trade for customs, tariffs, and import/export regulations.


  • countryHarmonizedSystemCodes: Examples of countryHarmonizedSystemCodes Incase you have different harmonized codes for different countries the properties in template should be suffixed with country code i.e for Australia the  property will be harmonizedSystemCode_AU for Japan it will be harmonizedSystemCode_JP.
          Note: The Country/Region of origin and Harmonized System(HS) code are only for variants, not for parent properties.
  • Category: The Category Attribute facilitates the categorization of products.                                                           
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