January 10, 2019

How to manage product properties?

Properties are characteristics that define a product. For example, Product Name, Brand, Size etc. Once product information is onboarded to Unbxd PIM, you can separately manage the product properties. The Properties listing page shows the property names, their data types, and the assigned property group. You can also add new properties apart from the ones added via import. The Properties Listing page can also be filtered by property groups and property data types. You can also a make a property searchable, this would help you search the property value in the Products Listing page.
With key focus on roles and properties in an organization, you can set specific role permissions for a property as per the requirements. For example,  for a property “Product Description”, role permission for role “Writer can be set to “Manage”. And all other roles can have either have “Read Only” or “Hide”.

How to:
You can either click “Create Properties” on the “OVERVIEW” tab or click “Properties” on the “MANAGE” tab to create new properties or access the Properties Listing page. For a new property, you need a property name and property data type. If you want to edit an existing property, you can click  for the property. To make a property value searchable in the Products Listing page of Unbxd PIM, you can select the “Is Searchable” checkbox.

You can access the “Permissions for Roles” tab to set role permissions for a specific property. All you have to do is in the “Permissions” column, you can hover and set  the permission to “Manage”, “Read Only”, and “Hide” for the role.

For more information about creating product properties, see Create a New Property.

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